
.brand new.

.okay - so I am brand new to the blogging world. so bear with me until I figure it all out. lol. I will start out with a 'great find' post. Here are a couple of my favorite yard sale finds so far this summer.

.Eddie Bauer wooden high chair with 'cherry' finish.

'fabulous find' price $15.

.have I mentioned that I love SuMmEr?.

.Changing table with storage.

'fabulous find' price $30.

.white baby crib (with mattress).
'fabulous find' price $40
These are just a few of my GREAT finds this summer.
As a MOM I try to:
  • Find the BEST deals on anything I NEED to buy.
  • Stick to a budget no matter WHERE I shop. (yardsales or no yardsales.
  • Make everything I buy from a yardsale, look like new by cleaning, re-finishing, or painting it.
  • Live simple. Don't make things harder on myself by setting 'out of reach' goals for purchases.
  • ^^ example ^^ I may LOVE Pottery Barn...but I am NOT going to go out and buy it for regular retail price. I will 'craigs list' it, or try and find it at a yardsale. Usually I have GREAT luck with finding JUST what I want and need for just the right price.
  • Be crafty. (which is a new development for me. lol.) I have been in dire need of inspiration for a while. Pretty much my whole life. I don't know how much money I could have saved over the years if I would have just made my own stuff. - ex. Christmas gifts, holidays, wedding gifts, clothes, toys, and much much more.
  • Take advice from others and see what they have to offer on how to save money and live simpler, by making my own things.

sorry this blog post was SO long. hope to post again soon. this was sort of fun.

- - must get off the computer before my 3 year old makes an EVEN bigger mess of my 'once was spiffy' living room. - -

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