
.Spring Has Sprung.

Spring is a time for new beginnings...
So this past week we have spent a lot of time playing and crafting. My oldest had quite a bit of fun building with his Lego's at his Grandma's house. He built this adorable Mario creation for his younger brother. How sweet! I'm a little biased, but I think he did pretty good! I couldn't even figure out how to do that! He watches the cartoon on Netflix and he made this by watching the show. How creative!

In honor of the first day of Spring, we made these sweet little flower bouquets made out of construction paper and glue! The boys had so much fun getting crafty this week! {more crafts to come on the blog}
What have you all been up to this week?
Why not get a little crafty with your kiddo's {if you have kiddos}! If you don't have kids, STILL get crafty! I love getting my craft bag out and getting my hands dirty!


Burrito Bowls and Park Play Dates

Chipotle Style Burrito Bowls
This week I tried yet another Pinterest recipe. Seriously folks, Pinterest hardly ever fails me. So this beautiful dish was very inexpensive to make! You can serve it over rice or quinoa but I decided to just dish it up veggie style.
Romaine Lettuce (chopped)
Black Beans
Canned Corn
Chipotle Sauce (sourcream, chili powder, lime juice, cumin, salt)
Fresh Cilantro
Let me tell you, this was delicious! I could have ate two big servings of this, but I limited myself to just one.
Spring Style

We enjoyed some fun at the park on Monday, as it was 72 degrees here in South East Ohio! We have enjoyed our days playing, taking country drives, playing board games, building Lego masterpieces, painting, crafting, reading, and much more! Sometimes I realize updating this blog isn't #1 on my to do list. However, I do love posting pictures of these sweet babes. They grow up far to quickly to not preserve these memories.

My boys love the playground at the park. I'm pretty sure they would stay and play ALL day if I'd let them.
How are things in your neck of the woods? Cool, Warm, Hot as a firecracker? I encourage you to do this, no matter how much you've got going on this weekend...take time for your kids. STOP and actually play with them. Get down on the floor, play the board games (even though they hardly EVER play by the rules), build those towers, throw rocks in the creek, whatever it is they like to do...do it with them. One day you'll wish you took the time out to do so.


.snowpocolypse 2015.

Winter Wonderland
So you have probably seen the #THOR all over television. If you haven't, you either A. Have been living under a rock for the past week or B. You live in Florida or California. I must say I am over Winter, however I have been waiting YEARS for a snow like this. I haven't seen this much snow in our town since 1993. I was a little girl and we had 24". Today we topped out at around 14". We have been blessed to have kept our power and water on, as most of the surrounding areas are without both. Prayers for those folks tonight! It is supposed to be -8 degrees tonight (that is NOT including the wind chill)! My hubs got a day off at the office, as he closed both down. Safety comes first, and no one should be driving out in this. WV is under a state of emergency due to flooding and also the snow. Our county is at a level 2 snow emergency which means, if you don't have to be out...don't. We enjoyed our day at home though.
Daddy and his little champ
We spent our day doing lessons, reading, building all sorts of things with Legos, reading Lego magazines (seriously their favorite piece of mail all month, and only piece usually, I might add), and watching cartoons. The snow stopped around 1 pm so we ventured outside to play in the white fluffy stuff! The boys had a blast! These moments are so precious and they fly by far too fast.
Where's my car?
This gives you an idea of how much snow we had. This picture was taken before the snow stopped, so there was even more on top of this. From upstairs on our deck, you couldn't even tell there was a car down there. Ha! Talk about a lot of snow! Well, a lot for our area at least. We aren't used to this much snow. 3-6 inches, maybe. But 14? Nope. Not used to that. I love it! So pretty! We are lucky to only be a block away from the local pizza joint. They delivered us a couple delicious pizza's for dinner! It was greatly appreciated and of course we tipped well.
Of course Mommy had her fill for the day too. I spent my day doing chores (as usual) and taking care of the house. Honestly, how in the world does the laundry keep piling up?!?! It never ends. Ever. I do love cleaning though, I almost take pride in it. It makes me feel like I accomplished something. Today I did one load of laundry, 2 loads of dishes (need to get on the third), cooked breakfast from scratch, and lunch then sorted and cleaned toys. Sometimes I do this in sweats and a t-shirt. And no make up. But today, even though I knew I couldn't go anywhere and I had no real 'reason' to get dressed up, I put on some jeans and a cute blouse and sweater. I put on make up, some cute accessories and did the chores. There is just something about being dolled up and putting on a few accessories that can make pretty much any chore so much more fun! Ha Ha! Yeah...I'm a little crazy. But that's okay.
Laundry, how I loathe you...
.but at least I can do it in style. bahahaha.


A Day in the Life of a Homeschool Momma

Breakfast is served

There is nothing in the world quite like bacon. Ok, so there is absolutely nothing in the world like bacon. Bacon sort of makes the world go 'round. Yeah. I love bacon. Don't worry, I didn't eat a whole pack. I limited myself to 3 slices. {even though I could have totally eaten a whole pack}
I've spent my day cleaning and doing laundry. {If you're a Momma, you know this routine all too well.} I don't understand how we go through so many bath towels. Seriously? You'd think I was running a B&B around here or something. Ha! We've spent the day learning about firefighters, thermometers, changing matter (both physical and chemical), organizational/study space, and we are getting ready to learn about life in the pioneer days (covered wagons and all that jazz). I'm actually excited! I love going over all of this again - it amazes me at how much I have forgotten and stuff that I didn't even learn. Such a good way to spend the day with my boys. Learning!

Community Helpers - Firefighters

Stella & Dot - Livvy Necklace
I am in love with my accessories! Ha. This Momma doesn't buy magazines, get manicures or pedicures, get her hair colored, go to the movies every weekend, or even go out to eat every week or two. So what is my 'thing' for me? My jewelry! Ha. It makes me feel pretty and I love how I can wear a basic t-shirt and make it pop with a little bling. Makes it look like I at least made an effort on my appearance for that day. Ha!
Can I get an amen ladies?!



Sunday Funday

all dressed up and nowhere to go...
Have you ever had plans and got all dressed up only to find said plans have changed? Yeah that was my morning. I woke up, got showered, dressed and ready for church and walk out the door to find a mini blizzard and then freezing rain. Cars and trucks were sliding all over the roads. So, we spent the day indoors enjoying time together as a family.
This weekend was pretty awesome aside from being snowed in this morning and my youngest getting a case of the tummy bug. I fixed a fabulous breakfast (which I normally just do something simple like oatmeal or cereal) on Saturday and then took my oldest out for a movie day at the library. All in all we had a wonderful time! "Big Hero 6" was pretty good too, if I might say so.
my boy loves his popcorn and his fedora...
**edit** at this very moment my youngest is singing and cooing and playing in the bathtub with his toys. It has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen or heard. It was such an adorable moment we had to video tape it. (mostly sound) Because he would not let us get much video if he saw us, so we had to stay behind the door. Ha Ha. 4 years old and he still makes me cry tears of joy. How can someone so ornery be so stinking adorable! Anyway, moving along with the post.

stella & dot

a girl and her bling...

If you are a Momma then you know it is a special day when you can put on some makeup, pull down your hair, raid your closet of actual 'dressy' clothes and pop on some fabulous jewelry! I took my oldest out for a Mommy and son date on Saturday and we had a blast seeing "Big Hero 6"! I look forward to our next date. It is so important to give each of your children individual time and attention. It has really helped our relationship this year. I look forward to these moments so much, considering I have boys. When they get older they won't want much to do with Mommy. It will be all Daddy and sports, and girls. Ugh.
I wish you all a very happy week!
Hello March