So - Spring is officially here! I have been busy as a bee around here, spring cleaning and such. I have scrubbed countertops, sinks, floors, and more! Our apartment smells and looks pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. *winks*

: Split pea decor :

: Easter cookies :

: Easter egg window decals :
So - I have had a pretty interesting week. I had a 'falling out' with a good friend. I know it is for the best though. It was over something so little and petty. An apology was thrown out but was never accepted. I had to move one. For me and my family. Anyway - so I feel good about it though. I know I did everything I could to resolve the relationship. The Lord knows what he is doing. *smiles*
Hope everyone has a great week! I am so excited - our furniture arrives tomorrow! I will post pics of our updates when everything is finally finished. It will be after the 1st of April - when I have everything completed and in 'prestine', photography-ready mode! lol.