I did. *smiles* We did all of the 'new traditions' that I wanted to start for our little family - and we all loved them & had a fabulous holiday! I will post more pictures when my internet connection isn't on the fritz. lol.

{merry Christmas}
I did. *smiles* We did all of the 'new traditions' that I wanted to start for our little family - and we all loved them & had a fabulous holiday! I will post more pictures when my internet connection isn't on the fritz. lol.
{Merry Christmas - long time no blog}

{happy Tuesday}
Aah. Nothing like a good cup of Joe in the morning. *smiles* I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday. I know I am. Other than having my 9 week old scream out his lungs this morning for whatever reason. *sigh* Gotta run. Have a great day!
{pears & honey}

.look-a-like? no.

.poppin popcorn.
{homemade yummies}
Aah. The stunning smell of fresh tortilla's in the oven. Mmm. Nothing like it. I have started to 'try' to make my meals from scratch. As much as possible. So I bought flour tortilla shells at my local market and came home, cut them into pieces, splashed on some olive oil, sea salt, and cracked pepper. Oh my goodness! They were delicious! Last night I made eggplant parmesan too - from scratch. I even made home-made marinara. *winks and pats self on back* If you knew me - you would know I am a t.v. dinner kind of gal - and this stuff for me is a miracle in the making. Ha ha. So, I do feel pretty proud of myself these days. lol. Tonight I am making home-made Gnocci. I will be using fresh ingredients, of course... I have also been shopping alot in the 'specialty' section of my local market. Which is where the imported foods are. I picked up some things from the 'British Isles', 'German', 'France', and 'Italy' sections. I have noticed that these foods are WAY lower in fat than our foods here in America, AND they are only a few cents more than what I usually buy anyway. And here all along, I thought this stuff was a fortune! Boy - was I wrong! I even thought that buying fresh produce was more expensive...well it isn't. Now 'adays it is about the same...and you get FRESH product - without all of the preservatives, corn syrup, and junk that goes in it! Tomorrow's menu? Split Pea Soup. I'm excited. *smiles*
{dear santa}
'Tis that time of year again. It is officially December. And what a day it was. I woke up to the snow pouring down outside - and of course I couldn't sit at home and enjoy it from my warm living room - I had to venture out and go grocery shopping & go to the doctor for my 8 week check-up. Of course. lol. Well - my entire household is sick. Well - I am better, a little. My husband is doing better...a little. ha. Our kiddos are still sick though. So I had to get vapo-steam, nasal spray, tissues, etc...at the pharmacy.
On a happier note - we all sat down as a family this evening - and our oldest (3 1/2 yrs) wrote a letter to Santa telling him exactly what he wants for Christmas. :) I absolutely love this tradition. I will scrapbook a copy for his baby book - and take the other one to the post office where they will send it off to 'Santa' for him. I love the holidays!
I am also proud of my new 'meal plan' that I have already started - didn't even wait for the new year. I am going to attempt to make more 'home-made' meals. Tonight was 'Eggplant Parmesan'. And it was wonderful - my hubby loved it too! Tomorrow is Italian Gnocci with homemade marinara. Sounds delish, if you ask me. *winks*
I have to go - my 8 week old is fussing up a storm - he has the cold bug too. Poor little guy. Watching "Scrooged" on AMC. Nighty night blogging world.
{giving & receiving}
drip drip drop
Normally, I don't like the rain. However, today seemed like the perfect day for rain. Not that I was having a bad morning or anything. I woke up in a great mood and the kids were and are behaving wonderfully. It just seems like a 'rainy' sort of day - ya know? First thing on the agenda today was get to the hospital for E.J.'s one month appointment.
{praise & worship}
Isn't it amazing how you can feel so down and out and then your friends, church family, and even your fellow bloggers pull together and save the day? I also enjoyed today's praise and worship/message. It was just the right thing I needed to hear today. *smiles* I am so blessed to have you all in my life. God's grace is enough for me - I am learning that. For sure. Thank you all for your kindness and prayers.
This week:
E.J.'s 1 month check-up.
Women's devotional night.
Family night.
pretty good week I'd say.
- Put up and decorate our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night.
- Play Christmas music every day from Thanksgiving night through Christmas day.
- String popcorn on the tree Christmas Eve.
- Bake all sorts of homemade sweeties Christmas Eve.
Aah. The holidays. I just love them - don't you?
{1 month}
{1 month}
Wow. How time flies, huh? It seems just like yesterday I was sitting in the labor and delivery room waiting for our sweet baby E to arrive. *tear* He is doing great! He sleeps at night very well, aside from 2 feedings. One around 2:30 a.m. and another around 6 a.m. Life is good. *wink* Breastfeeding didn't go as planned. It was going soooo well, then all of a sudden he started getting super fussy...and gassy. *frowns* So, his pediatrician put him on Similac Isomil Soy. He is doing much better now, thank the good Lord. *smiles* Perfect timing too - because my milk production has been low. Very low. Dislike. Overall, he is a healthy, happy, baby boy. That makes me one happy momma.
R.A. is doing well. He is adjusting alot better now. He is even helping out. I guess he just had to get past the one month mark. Ha ha. He loves to give E 'pats' on the head, and soft kisses. *smiles* He helps me get diapers and things when needed as well. He still wants all of the attention, but is managing and coping alot better with the attention time we give him. Overall, he is doing fabulous with new baby brother. Life is good. *smiles big*
{urbanfarmgirl has an awesome giveaway sweeps right now - check it out for a chance to win a $50 pottery barn gift card!!}
{mommy must-haves}

.boppy pillow.
I use this to breastfeed, bottle feed, and just to have my little E.J. lounge.
.Dr. Brown's bottles.
I absolutely love these! They don't make bubbles - and it really helps reduce colic and gas. I actually stir my formula in the water with a spoon, then let it sit with the lid and cap on for just a minute to let it all settle (to reduce air/bubbles). (if I do see bubbles, I open up lid, then replace it...and let it sit for a minute then feed E.J.)
I love this! Couldn't do without it. (well I probably could, but wouldn't want to.) It has vibrations and music. E.J. loves sitting in it during the day. :)
I will only buy the lansinoh brand. I have tried a few others, and they just soak through too quickly, or they stick to my nipples. Let me tell you - that is NO picnic. Uggh.
I also have Avent bottles, so I use this sterilizer for those bottles. All I do is rinse them out after a feeding (using my bottle brush of course), then pop them in the sterilizer with 7 oz. of water in the bottom, pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes and VOILA. Sterilzed bottles. ;)
.Avent Bottle/Food Warmer.
I love this product! Plug it in. Turn knob to #3. Have water no higher than milk in bottle, and in about 2 minutes I have a warm bottle of milk! :) One happy momma.
These are great - and they are 'simply cute'. :) I also think they are the best because they come with plastic cover caps. ;) I have many other 'must-haves', but for some reason I am unable to load the pictures on my page properly and it takes me forever to get them aligned properly. But the items include:
Vera Bradley 'purple punch' diaper bag.
Carter's sleepers.
Carter's two piece clothing sets.
Cloth diapers (I use these tucked inside my maternity bra while I am bf-ing. It eleminates leakage onto my clothes.)
Gerber cloth burp cloths. (just like the cloth diapers - love them.)
Huggies Little Snugglers size NB.
Purell Hand Sanitizer.
What are some of your 'must-haves' for your kiddos?
{saturday fun & cinnamon swirl bread}

- Husband is home all weekend.
- He helps take care of my 3 year old while I am on newborn duty. ;)
- We pick up the 5 for $20 from Blockbuster.
- Eat pizza.
- Cuddle on the couch all day.
- Sort through the many loads of laundry.
- Never look at the clock.
Tomorrow I will make my cinnamon swirl loaf.
{on to another subject}
- baby food diet -
Alot of you have probably heard of the 'baby food diet' that Jennifer Aniston supposedly went on to 'cleanse' her body of all the junk and nasties. Well, I even read in a baby magazine that I recently received in the mail, that a Daddy (one of the editors in the magazine) decided to try it out for a week. Here is the gist:
- Eat 14 jars of Gerber baby food each day for 7 days.
- Eat a regular size dinner - drink your normal 6-8 glasses (8 oz.) of fluids/day.
At the end of 48 hours this guy lost 5 lbs. After the last day, day seven, he had lost a total of 6-8 lbs.
I am personally trying this out for 3 days just to see if I feel better. Cleansed, so to speak. We will see what happens. Good thing is, the baby food tastes great! I love the fruits and oatmeals they now provide. ;) I would never dream of doing this as a 'lifestyle', however, as a monthly cleanse...I think it is a wise thing to do...and it gets your digestive system working properly if not already. (works pretty much like eating Activia once a day.)
Here we go!
trick or treat
{3 weeks}
{precious gems}
- Relax.
- Take atleast one nap a day. {even if it is just for 30 minutes}
- Bake some Halloween/Fall cookies.
- Break in my new pair of 'post-pregnancy' jeans. =)
- Attend a Chick-fil-a benefit lunch for a friend.
- Clean out and organize the toy cabinet. {too many toys for my 3 year old}
- Start Christmas shopping online.
- Prepare for my Fall Party I am having next week.
P.S. Does anyone have any good ideas for treat bags, or anything 'crafty' to use in my Fall Party? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! =)
{baby update}
{the gift of life} E.J.S.
{one more day}
well, it is official. my sweet little E will be here on Wednesday. I am scheduled to be induced that morning. I am soooo ready too. I already feel like he is going to just 'fall out'. ha ha. I may not be posting for a while - but I sure hope I can. I would love to post some pictures soon.
Happy Fall everyone!
{mmm...pumpkin butter}
well here we are on Sunday morning, the 3rd of October. I will be 39 weeks pregnant as of Wednesday morning. I go to the doctor tomorrow to see if she will admit me then or wait until Wednesday. I have had a rough night's sleep the past few nights. wide awake with contractions. blah. so ready for my sweet baby E to arrive. =)
in the mean time, I have been baking pumpkin bread, pumpkin butter cookies, double fudge brownies, and more... I have been nesting too. it has been a little hard this week however because my best friend lost her husband to a car accident. it was a very emotional time for all of us around here. considering he was my husbands really good friend, and his wife is my best friend. since birth. I have helped watch her girls (3 yrs. and 3 mths. old) alongside of taking care of my own 3 year old. so that has been intersting. but I wouldn't change any of it. I would do anything for her.
this week I am looking forward to going to the hospital and delivering the newest member of our family. =) ya know what? let's just make a list of the things I am excited about this month.
- Bringing E into this world.
- Coming home with E, big brother, and hubby.
- Having visits from friends and family to our apartment.
- Getting myself and E into a nice routine.
- Wearing NON maternity clothes - AMEN!
- Fall Pampered Chef party with friends from church.
- Halloween - my oldes will be a Giraffe and E will wear an adorable onesie with owls, and ghosties on it, alongised a bib that says "Too Cute To Spook". lol.
- Carving pumpkings with my children and husband.
- Breathing in the crisp Autumn air. nuff said.
{prayer request}
.pumpkin butter.
.update time - indeed.
Last Doctor Appointment (last monday): dilated 3cm.
crisp. fresh. fall. leaves.
It is hard to believe I am 34 weeks preggo! I couldn't be more ready for FALL. =) I am already getting my fall decor organized and ready to put up this weekend. This is going to be one busy week for me. Today was chore day. Tomorrow is my one relaxation day. Wednesday is mommies group with my munchkin at our church & errands/grocery shopping. Thursday is my GIRLS NIGHT & a devotional with my lady friends from church. (which is awesome because we have dinner and stay up super late and talk with no kiddos and no hubbies. *wink*) Friday I will be preparing for my baby shower on Saturday. And of course, Saturday is my baby shower! *whew*
On another note - I went through a month where I hardly cleaned at all. August being that month. Now, I am back in action - cleaning every knick and cranny trying my darndest to get this apartment spotless for fall and for new baby! =) I am so excited to get to wear my new post-baby wardrobe! Hope everyone has a great week - I know I am going to LOVE mine! No matter what!
.long time no see.
ok. so I am sorry for being gone so long. but I have been super busy lately AND super tired, crampy, and moody as heck. lol. I am now 33 weeks preggo and this was the last picture I took. I know I need to take another. *sigh* my baby shower is coming up next weekend. I still need a few things...hoping I get them from the shower. thank GOD it is starting to cool down around here - I can't wait for FALL. afterall, it is my favorite season. :) okay - so I will try to post more later - baby is fine - mommy is fine - I will update when I take a new picture - and probably after my shower. everyone have a GREAT day.